Three Card Poker play has been popular among casinos from the beginning of gambling world. It is new version of Poker in Online casinos. The easy learnable game is fun for the players who know cards very well. The players at table perform against the dealer not to the other participants. 3 Card Poker has very exclusive hand-ranking system. The hand counts for very low value and this makes game very fast and thrilling.
Let’s start with basic terminology used in 3 card poker game play. Pay attention to understand the meaning of different terms.
Straight Flush Hand has three cards in a sequence from same suit such as K, J, Q or diamond. Highest probability of higher ranking cards to win.
Three of a Kind is a hand when three cards come with same rank. For an instance, three Queens in the hand. Maximum chance to win with three cards of the higher rank.
Straight Hand has three cards in series of ranks from different suits. For example, having 9, 8 and 7 from mixed suits. Higher ranking card has maximum possibility to win.
Flush Hand contains three cards from same suit but not in any particular sequence such as A, 9, 5 from Clubs. Highest ranking cards are compared and one with higher value wins. In case, match ties with highest rank then middle ranked cards compared and so on with lowest rank cards.
Pair is considered as a hand that has two cards with same rank and one more card; such as two Queens and one 9. Pair with high rank wins the match. Third card can be compared in case of tie.
High Card does not satisfy any of the above hands means cards are not in sequence and not from the same suit. Game starts with highest card of the hand.
Procedure to play Three Card Poker Game at online casinos:
- Start by placing bet on Pair Plus and/or Ante.
- Three cards with face down are proposed to every player and dealer by dealer itself.
- Everyone needs to examine their cards in order to make next move.
- If player believe that their hand contains higher ranking cards which can beat the dealer’s hand then player can place additional bet on the play.
- If player does not have pair or strong hand which is not enough to beat the dealer’s hand then player can fold. The player’s stake will be added to house’s account.
- When every player made their move then dealer will show his cards.