Craps game is a dice game whose results are based on the outcome of the rolled pair of dice. A popular version of Craps, called street craps, is when players place their bets against each other. In casino craps, or in online craps, players place their bets against the house.
Origins of the game Craps
The history of Craps game is very complicated with many events and influences. The origin of the game may date well back to the Crusades. Later on the game was changed by the French gamblers. Nonetheless, it has been widely accepted that the current version of Craps that we play today was developed from a simplified version of a game called Hazard, which is an Old English game. This game was first described in the 14th century in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Then Bernard Xavier Philippe de margins de Mandeville, who was also a politician and a gambler, brought the game to New Orleans. After a period of time along the development of the forex trading game, the “don’t pass” betting option was invented and introduced by John H. This betting option was to prevent the players from cheating with rigged dice. This is the latest version of the game and our current Craps game, as well as Craps game in casinos all over the world, is based on this version.
How to play Craps
Craps is actually easy to play but it may look complicated and confusing to beginners. Imagine that you are at a famous casino and try to play at the Craps table. About twenty or more people gather around the table to place bets and yell out something that you cannot understand. Your reaction in that situation must be “What should I do now?” The first thing you should do is to grasp the fundamental principles of the game. Once you have learnt the fundamentals, you will find the game very interesting and easy to play.
At the casino bonus, craps is played with many players at a time. In the online game play, you play on your own with the computer. Craps players take turn rolling a pair of dice. The casino term for the player who rolls the pair of dice is a “shooter”. In the online game play, you can choose to be the shooter of a round, or you can assign the computer to be the shooter. Craps bets are wagered with chips placed upon the assigned sections of various options on the table.
In Craps, the shooter is required to place his bet on either the Don’t Pass line or the Pass line. Craps is played in rounds and the bets that players make depend on the result of each round. If the player loses by rolling a seven, that round ends and a new round starts with a new shooter. In online game play, if you are the shooter and you lose a round, the computer will then take the role of the shooter. However, you can always choose to be the shooter in online Craps.
There are two phases in each round of Craps. The two phases are the come out phase and the point phase. The come out phase takes place first when the round starts. The shooter will make a come out roll of dice. If the outcome of this roll is 2, 3 or 12, this is called craps and the shooter will lose immediately. In this case, all bets on the Pass line are lost. On the other hand, if the outcome is 7 or 11, this is called a natural and the shooter will win immediately. In this case, anyone betting on the Pass line wins as well. Statistically, shooters have more chance to roll a 7 or 11 than a 2, 3 or 12. If the outcome of the come out roll is any other number, the shooter makes “the point” and the point phase starts here. The player must roll this number again to win the round. If the player rolls a seven instead of the point number in the point phase, the player loses, the Pass line bets are lost and the round ends here.
Different types of Craps bets
The Pass line–This is the most basic and also the most common bet that players make when they come to Craps. If you are the shooter of a round, you must bet on the Pass line. The bet is placed directly on the Pass line marked on the table. The “How to play Craps” part above has explained the basic rules of this bet. If you roll a 7 or an 11, you will win that round. On the contrary, if you roll a 2, 3 or 12, you lose the round. If you roll any other number, that number will become the point number. In this point phase, you win if you roll the point number before rolling a 7. Conversely, you lose if you roll a 7 before rolling the point number. Don’t pass line– This bet can be considered the reversed version of the Pass line. Bets on the Don’t Pass line are lost if the player rolls a 7 or an 11, and are won if the player rolls a 2 or 3. The round draws when they come out roll is 12. The rules are set like this in order to guarantee the stable house edge for the casino no matter which line the players bet on, the Pass line or the Don’t Pass line. If the player rolls any other number, it becomes the point number and starts the point phase. The rule here is also opposite to that of the Pass line.